Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 4th International Conference on Pollution Control & Sustainable Environment Rome, Italy.

Day :

  • Environmental Pollution | Water Pollution and Treatment | Marine Pollution | Pollution and Health Effects Agricultural Soil Science | Adsorption Technology | Water Contamination | Agriculture and Environmental Pollution Ground water Pollution | Waste water Technologies

Session Introduction

Nihat Hakan Akyol

Kocaeli University, Turkey

Title: Mobility of atrazine in stable manure-amended agricultural soil

Nihat Hakan Akyol has completed his PhD at Kocaeli University. He is working as an Associate Professor in Department of Geological Engineering at Kocaeli University. He has published 12 papers in reputed SCI journals and currently continues high budget projects in Turkey and has been a part of various research projects in United States of America with University of Arizona and Alabama University.



The objective of this study was to conduct a series of batch and miscible-displacement experiments to examine the mobility of atrazine herbicide in stable-manure amended agricultural soil. Agricultural soil with 10% w/w stable-manure amendment were used for the objectives. Laboratory studies showed that the high sorption of atrazine was described by rate-limited, non-linear reversible processes for stable-manure amended agricultural soil. This non-ideal transport behavior was most likely due to the fraction of high organic matter content in soil. Flow interruption tests in the column experiments indicated that the rate-limited desorption of atrazine mainly controlled the non-ideal transport of atrazine. Behavior of atrazine in such soils could have important impacts for risk assessment of atrazine-contaminated soil and should be taken into account in the regulation, management, and remediation of atrazine-contaminated sites.



Dapeng Li has completed his PhD at Harbin Institute of Technology and Postdoctoral studies at Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Science. He is the Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering College at Suzhou University of Science and Technology, mainly engaged in the research of phosphorus migration and transformation in sediments and overlying water in shallow lakes. He is the Director of Collaborative Innovation Centre at Suzhou University of Science and Technology. He has published more than 50 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of reputed journals.



To investigate the effect of benthic organisms on migration and conversion of phosphorus, our research carried out a quarterly monitoring at two fixed sample points in Lake Taihu, between October 2017 and April 2018. The main contents of the monitoring were the changes of phosphorus in the sediments, overlying water, interstitial water and microorganism in sediments. Microbial content is characterized by using FDA hydrolase analysis. The SMT sequential extraction method was applied in morphometry of phosphorus contained in surface sediment samples in two different trophic level regions of northeast of Lake Taihu. The sum of all forms of phosphorus, which including NH4Cl-P, Fe-P, Al-P, Org-P, Ca-P, and Res-P is regarded as total phosphorus. Through analysis all of them, we can obtain the migration and conversion of phosphorus in sediments in different seasons. Through the determination and analysis of microbial content and bioavailable phosphorus which including WSP, RDP, AAP, Olsen-P, the effect of microorganisms on migration and conversion of phosphorus can be drawn. Then we can explore the role of benthos in it.



Rino Dubé has held a position as a Research and Development Officer at the Centre de recherche industrielle du Québec (CRIQ) since 1995. He is a civil engineer by training, specializing in environment and bioprocesses with a Master’s degree from Université Laval. Mr. Dubé carries out laboratory-scale and large-scale technological innovation projects in the agricultural, industrial and municipal wastewater sectors, more recently including treatment of leachates from composting sites and landfills. He has conducted several projects on removal/ transformation of nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus). In particular, he has participated actively in the development of biofiltration on organic media for the simultaneously treatment of highly-charged liquids and gases. This work was concretized in twenty pilot systems installed in the field in an industrial context, and has been the subject of several articles and lectures, as well as four invention patents.



Leachate treatment and the elimination of landfill gas (LFG) are the main environmental challenges faced by operators in the province of Quebec, Canada. CRIQ, in collaboration with its partners (Université Laval and Université de Sherbrooke), has been working for more than ten years on the development of biofiltration processes for the treatment of leachate and methane (CH4). The leachates treatment is intended to comply with the limit values as prescribed in the regulation (in particular BOD: 65 mg/l, ammonium: 10 mgN_NH4/l, zinc: 0.07 mg Zn/l and phosphorus: 0.3 mg Ptot/l). The process makes it possible to envisage, using methanotrophic bacteria that are unique in their ability to use CH4 as a source of carbon and energy, the treatment of landfill gas. The results obtained in laboratory tests over a period of 16 months for simultaneous treatment (leachate-methane) will be shown for parameters such as BOD5, MES, NH4, NO3-, pH, CH4. The behaviors observed for nitrogen are presented in figures 1 and 2. For the period when the conditions were optimal (250th to 450th day) the nitrification process made it possible to reach N-NH4 transformation rates higher than 95% (output concentration of less than 10 mgN NH4/l). Considering the average concentration of N_NH4 contained in the leachates (680 mg N-NH4/l) as well as the observed transformation rates (nitrification), the elimination of N-NO3 in the biofiltration process would be attributable to the activity methanotrophic bacteria (methanotrophic denitrification). Overall, the results obtained make it possible for landfill operators to make significant gains in terms of sustainable development (passive technology, increased treatment of nitrogen (NH4 and NO3), autothermal biological process), reduction of GHG emissions, etc.). Those work led to a patent in 2017. Future work planned is on-site testing using a prototype.



Ulises Damian Pepe has completed his Magister in Sanitary and Environmental Engineering at the Institute of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering of University of Buenos Aires. Previously he was a Chemical Engineer at UTN and then he was a Specialist in Sanitary and Environmental Engineering of the Institute of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering of UBA, Buenos Aires.



In very extensive geographies and/or with low population densities, the lagoons for the treatment of sewage effluents are of great application and one of the most applied solutions. Its cost of implementation, operation and maintenance makes this alternative one of the most sustainable in relation to the management of sewage drains for localities with these characteristics. Many years designing and evaluating sewage treatment lagoons, makes me reflect on one of the most important design parameters, which is usually estimated slightly and without many considerations: the temperature of the liquid effluent in the lagoon. Most of the time, it is calculated with foreign correlations that are not adapted to our reality and are linked to the average air temperature of the coldest month of the year. Uncertainty that we have when defining this important design parameter makes us to commit one of the most common errors that are observed in its design. Uncertainty is synonymous with oversizing and, in practice, designing larger lagoons than necessary, being as bad as the design of small lagoons. Some of the problems that large lagoons produce: lagoons that do not fill up, erosion and vandalism of their slopes, higher costs for their implementation, etc. In order to limit this uncertainty, this work proposes a rational method that takes into account the flow of energy in the process and the time that the liquid effluent is in the lagoon.



Mansor Kashir is an Engineering Consultant in the Department of Environmental Protection, Saudi Aramco Oil Company, Saudi Arabia. He completed his BASc in Civil Engineering at University of Tripoli, Libya in 1984; MASc in Geotechnical Engineering at University of Waterloo, Canada in 1990 and; PhD in Geo-Environmental Engineering from University of Western Ontario, Canada in 1998. He is currently managing a number of site investigations and groundwater remedial studies at Saudi Aramco sites; including the use of mechanical, biological, and chemical treatment to remediate contaminated groundwater. Other interests and tasks include developing best environmental protection practices in the area of unconventional gas at Saudi Arabia, defining and treating credible corporate risks that could result from industrial incidents, their treatments and tools of monitoring of these risks.



A series of laboratory microcosm experiments and a field-pilot test was performed to evaluate the potential for the in situ chemical oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), in saline, high temperature (greater than 30) groundwater. Groundwater samples from a site in Saudi Arabia were amended in the laboratory portion of the study with the chemical oxidants persulfate, percarbonate and stabilized hydrogen peroxide to evaluate the changes in select hydrocarbons and MTBE concentrations with time. Almost complete degradation of the aromatic hydrocarbons, naphthalene and trimethylbenzene was found in the groundwater samples amended with persulfate and stabilized hydrogen peroxide whereas the percarbonate-amended samples showed little to no degradation of the target hydrocarbon compounds in the laboratory. Isotopic analyses of the persulfate-amended samples suggested that C-isotope fractionation for xylenes occurred after approximately 30% reduction in concentration with a decline in the δ13C values of xylenes of about 1%. Based on the laboratory results, pilot-scale testing at a Saudi Arabian field site was carried out to verify the persulfate laboratory results. Results obtained from the pilot test indicated that all the target compounds decreased substantially with time. pH of the groundwater remained neutral following injections whereas oxidation-reduction potential remained anaerobic throughout the injection zone with time. Nitrate concentrations decreased within the injection zone suggesting that the nitrate may be consumed by denitrification reactions while sulfate concentrations increased as expected within the reactive zone suggesting that the persulfate was being reduced to sulfate. Overall, the injection of the oxidant persulfate was shown to be an effective approach to treating dissolved aromatic and associated hydrocarbons within the groundwater. The generation of sulfate as a byproduct was an added benefit as the sulfate could be utilized by sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRBs) presents within the subsurface to further biodegrade any remaining hydrocarbons. The results of the pilot-study using stabilized hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant suggested that the hydrogen peroxide was not stabilized by citric acid but instead the citric acid enhanced the oxidation of the target compounds including the oxidation of BTEX and MTBE. It appears that the citric acid may be chelating natural metal activators, such as ferric iron, and enhancing their activation function. Analysis of the BTEX compounds indicated a degradation percent of greater than 99% over the course of the study whereas MTBE was degraded by greater than 50%. Analysis of the TBA prior to and post injection suggested that TBA was not generated and in most cases TBA was degraded by greater than 75% during the pilot test. CSIA analysis indicated the 13C within the MTBE and benzene was enriched during the oxidation process. Bacterial analysis showed a dramatic change.


P S Jassal has completed his PhD at University of Delhi, Delhi, India and Postdoctoral studies in Department of Chemistry at Maharaja Sayajirao University of  Baroda, Vadodara, India. He is the Vice-Principal of SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India. He has published more than 24 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as Reviewer of journals of international reputation.



Chitosan nanoparticles synthesized by the ionic gelation technique by crosslinking the crab shell chitosans with polyanion, sodium tripolyphosphate (TPP) in the ratio of 1:3 (CS/TPP). 0.5 g chitosan dissolved in 20 ml acetic acid was stirred with cross-linking agent for 24 hours. The settled precipitate is crushed and stored in glass tubes for further use. Adsorption was carried out with 50 ml of metal solution added with 0.013 g chitosan nanoparticles and estimation was done by using hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE) with 797 VA Computrace. The thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) for pure crab shell chitosan shows three weight losses one before 202, second after 250 and another after 380 in polymer mass. Chitosan nanoparticles indicate that first thermal event occur at temperature range 50-150, the second degradation stage occur in range of 200-530. The crystalline behaviour and size of particles is determined using XRD studies. The XRD spectrum of nanochitosans shows a broad peak around 2 theta 20.13°. The pure chitosan shows a peak at around 2 theta 19.7 degrees. In Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) for crab shell chitosan spectrum, a band appears at 3430.58 cm-1 was attributing to the -OH and -NH2 groups attributing to stretching vibrations. In nano chitosan a shift from 3430.58 cm-1 to 3436.06 cm-1 was recorded. The SEM images of nano chitosan reveal a spherical shape and chitosan has relatively a rough and uneven structure which exhibited amorphous feature. Studies result show remarkable lowering of toxic metals ion concentration i.e. Cr (VI), Co (II), Ni (II) etc., from the industrial waste.


Joshua Ojo obtained his PhD in Engineering Physics from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria in 1995. His broad research interest is in assessment of risks associated with exposure to environmental hazards by various population subgroups. His works include both measurements and modeling of exposure to the hazards. He is particularly interested in toxic and essential elements, pesticides, microwave radiation associated with GSM communication and environmental radioactivity. He is the Visionary and President/CEO of the non-governmental organization, Living Science Foundation, which is dedicated in promoting public health and sustainable development of Nigeria through a holistic management of the environment.



Lead, mercury, and selenium are the key elements associated with neurotoxicity, and infants are the most susceptible sub-population. This study evaluated the exposure of babies to Pb, Hg, and Se through breast milk intake in three gold mining areas with different levels of gold mining activities in Nigeria. One hundred and six volunteer mother-baby pairs were recruited as follows: 27 pairs from Yargalma, Zamfara State; 31 pairs from Iperindo, Osun State; and 48 pairs from Ile-Ife, Osun State. Levels of Pb and Se in breast milk samples from all 106 mothers were determined using ICP-MS while Hg levels in the same samples were determined using a direct mercury analyzer. Next, only for the subjects from Ile-Ife, breast milk intakes in babies were determined over a two-week period using the deuterium dose-to-mother stable isotope technique. At Ile-Ife, the daily exposure of babies to lead, mercury and selenium was evaluated as ranging from 0.11–0.65 μg/kg b.w., 0.03–0.48 μg/kg b.w., and 1.37–9.20 μg/kg b.w. respectively. At Iperindo and Yargalma, respectively, the values were 0.06–2.34 μg/kg b.w. and 0.13– 22.6 μg/kg b.w. for lead; 0.01–0.28 μg/kg b.w. and 0.01–0.23 μg/kg b.w. for mercury, and 0.88–29.8 μg/kg b.w. and 0.38–10.2 μg/ kg b.w. for selenium. These can be compared with the benchmark dose for lead suggested by the European food safety authority for developmental toxicity in infants (0.50 μg/kg b.w.) and FAO/WHO daily tolerable intake of 0.57 μg/kg b.w. for mercury.



Rose Alani has completed her PhD in Environmental/Analytical Chemistry in 2011 at the University of Lagos, Nigeria, after being trained at the Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research (GLIER), University of Windsor, ON, Canada, under the Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories (CAEAL) requirements as a Trained Analyst. She participated in the 11th summer school on toxic compounds in the environment, in the Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment (RECETOX), Brno, Czech Republic, in June 2015. She is a Senior Lecturer in the University of Lagos, and currently a Visiting Scientist at the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO), Barcelona, Spain, from March to August 2018. She has published more than 18 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of reputed journals. She has presented papers in twelve local and eight international conferences. She is a member of local and international professional organizations.


Our previous study on Ogun River at Kara abattoir revealed high concentration of gamma hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) also called lindane, in water and sediment of the river. The use of this river as drinking water for the animals, coupled with the serious short and long-term health effects of lindane prompted this research. In the present study, water and sediment samples were taken from twenty locations in Ogun River and assessed for physico-chemical parameters and seventeen organochlorine pesticides (OCs) which include α-HCH, β-HCH, γ-HCH, δ-HCH, endrin, endrin aldehyde, endrin, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, aldrin, dieldrin, endosulfan 1, endosulfan 11, endosulfan sulphate, methoxychlor, α-chlordane, γ-chlordane, DDE, and DDT. Crabs and fish samples from the river were also assessed. Meat parts including beef, blood, heart, kidney, lung, liver, skin, tongue, milk, large intestine, small intestine and urine were also taken from three bulls and three cows; one male goat and one female goat; one ram and one ewe; and their feeds, were assessed for the OCs using gas chromatography/electron capture detector (GC/ECD). Most of the physico-chemical parameters were within WHO limits, except chemical oxygen demand (COD), dissolved oxygen (DO) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) at some locations. Generally, OCs was higher in the sediments than in the water, meat parts, animal feeds, fish and crabs. γ-HCH, DDT, aldrin, endrin, dieldrin, and endosulfan all exceeded the Canadian water quality guidelines (CWQG) where present. Dieldrin (12.33 ug/Kg) exceeded the Canadian interim sediment quality guideline (ISQGs) of 2.58 ug/Kg while endosulfan sulfate (2.047-42.748 ug/Kg), endosulfan II (3.54- 154.37 ug/Kg), endrin aldehyde (5.98-13.53 ug/Kg) and methoxychlor (1.71-2.86 ug/Kg) were quite high. OCs in other samples was below WHO maximum residue level (MRL). The male animals had more OCs than their females. Sum of OCs were highest in tongues, large intestines, liver, heart, with one bull blood sample having the highest sum concentration of 21.16 ug/Kg.


Willabo Miepamo has passion for conservation and preservation of the environment from further deteriorating. He organizes seminars, lectures and workshops to create public awareness on the dangers of groundwater contamination in host communities to multinational oil companies. He has completed his Master’s degree in Hydrogeology from the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. He teaches in the Federal Polytechnic Ekowe and provides solution to groundwater contamination challenges faced by Southern Niger Delta States of Nigeria.


This study on aquifer vulnerability assessment in certain parts of Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Southern Niger Delta, Nigeria, adopted the use of DRASTIC method based on geographic information system (GIS) model to delineate areas susceptible to contamination. Seven hydrogeologic parameters were applied for the aquifer vulnerability evaluations, which include depth to water table, net recharge, soil media, impact of vadose zone, aquifer media, topography, and hydraulic conductivity. Data relating to the seven hydrogeologic parameters of the model were obtained and transformed in the model into seven maps by GIS to develop the DRASTIC vulnerability map which shows the three different forms of aquifer vulnerability namely high, moderate, and low zones. The communities within the high vulnerable zones include Swali, Agudama, Ovum, Igbogene, Okutukutu, Onopa and Okolobiri. Those within the moderate vulnerability zones are Kpansia, Etegwe, Yenezue, Azikoro, Opolo, Tombia, Biogbolo and Akenfa and in the low vulnerability zones, we have Amarata, Yenezuegene, Edepie, Azikoro, Akenfa and Okaka. The high vulnerability zones ranking was attributed to very high depth to water table, high net recharge, high hydraulic conductivity and permeability of gravelly sand in the aquifer media. The moderate vulnerability zones were due to high net recharge, low porosity of silt/clay in vadose zone, silty loam in soil media and high hydraulic conductivity. The low vulnerable zones were influenced by impermeability of clayloam in the soil media, low porosity of silty clay in the vadose zone and low topographic slope percent.



Chen Jingjing has completed his PhD from Beijing University of Technology. He is a professor and doctoral tutor at Beijing University of Technology. His research activities are focused on policy design and development planning on circular economy, environmental and economic assessment on resources recycling, recycling technology on solid wastes containing strategic resource. He has published more than 50 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of Resources, Conservation & Recycling journal



copper, as a popular base metal, has many divergent properties such as good ductility, high thermal and electrical conductivity. With the rapid development of the Chinese economy and the continual increase of demand for copper products, China has become the largest producer and consumer of refined copper in the world. The large amount of consumption not only brings resource pressure, but also causes prominent environmental problems. Although copper can be recycled to alleviate resource pressure, there are significant differences between mining primary copper and recycling scrap copper in view of resources, energy consumption and pollution emissions. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is conducted in this study to investigate the total environmental effects of the copper industry. The production of 1t refined copper employing primary ores and secondary resources is analyzed in detail. The results show that the most serious environmental impact of the refined copper was abiotic depletion potential, global warming potential and human toxicity. The environmental impacts are mainly caused by mining and smelting of primary copper by pyrometallurgy. However, for secondary copper, refining and electrolysis are the main factors. According to the normalization result, the total environmental impact of secondary copper is only 1/5 of the primary copper production process, which indicates that the regeneration has better environmental benefits. Thus, it is suggested that the secondary copper should be paid more attention and be developed vigorously. On the other hand, the main processes, which cause environmental impacts, should be promoted technologically.


  • Waste Management and Treatment | Eutrophication | Aquatic Microbiology | Waste water Reuse and Recycling | Water Borne Diseases | Water Pollution : Ethics and Regulations | Aquatic Chemistry Wastewater Sludge Management | Economics of water quality|Air Pollution and Treatment | Marine Water | Environmental Pollution
Location: Olimpica 3+4

Qiaowen Lin has completed her PhD from China University of Geosciences. She is doing her Postdoctoral studies at School of Public Administration, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. She has published 5 papers in reputed journals.



Land use change is an important factor in global climate change and carbon cycle. This project takes the mineral grain composited area as the research object, and takes the equity of the resource and environment distribution as the research perspective in order to carry out the research on the low carbon optimization of land use. Firstly, the process and mechanism of carbon cycle in the mineral grain composited area are revealed, using the system theory. Secondly, on the basis of the analysis of land use change in the study area, carbon emissions of land use in study area from 2000 to 2016 are explored. Carbon emission effects of land use are analyzed by using the improved Kaya equation and logarithmic-mean divisia index method (LMDI). Fairness analysis on allocation of land resources and environment is done by constructing land resource environment Gini coefficient. Then, scenario analysis method and land resource environment Gini coefficient method are applied to carry out multi scenario simulation of land use change in mineral grain compound area, and explore low-carbon optimization plan for land use in mineral grain composited area. Finally, the low carbon management system of land utilization in the mineral grain compound area is constructed from aspects of management target, management subject and management measures. The research results provide theoretical guidance for effectively reducing mining damaged land, protecting food security and optimizing land use pattern scientifically, providing a certain train of thought for promoting regional low carbon economy development. Eduard Rott has completed his PhD in the field of Environmental Engineering at University of Stuttgart, Germany. He is working as a Postdoctoral Scientist in the Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Solid Waste Management at University of Stuttgart, Germany.



Emilly Obuya completed her PhD in Inorganic and Materials Chemistry from State University of New York in 2012 and is currently an Associate Professor of Chemistry at The Sage Colleges in Troy, NY in USA. She is working on collaboration with Dr. Noah on the biosynthesis and application of nanostructured materials



Water pollution by microbial contamination that emanates from poor sanitation affects over 50% of the global population, particularly in developing countries. Solar disinfection (SODIS) technique has emerged within the past decade as a simple and low cost point-of-use water treatment technology. For bacterial inactivation, contaminated water is placed in plastic bottles and exposed to direct sunlight for 6-48 hours. The limited quantity of water treated (2 L-bottles) and long illumination duration makes the process cumbersome hence hampers large scale adoption. Additionally, due to the UV process of bacterial deactivation, the SODIS technique is incapable of removing chemical contaminants from the drinking water thus limiting its widespread use for efficient water treatment. In this work we have applied the green chemistry principles and nanotechnology to design, synthesize, and develop a Ag-TiO2 heterogeneous catalyst that will be used as an additive to improve the overall efficiency of the SODIS technique. The silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) were biosynthesized from the rind extract of the watermelon fruit, and loaded on the surface of titanium dioxide nanofibers (TiO2 NFs) through a wet synthesis method. The surface and electronic properties of the nanocomposite material will be optimized to control the size of the Ag NPs on the TiO2 surface. The disk diffusion method will be used as a quantitative antimicrobial assay of the as-synthesized catalysts followed by the time-kill method where photo-inactivation studies of the catalysts will be tested for their microbial activity against lab-cultured E. coli. We will report the biosynthesis and characterization of silver nanomaterials and results from the disk diffusion & time kill methods.


Moh Sholichin has completed his PhD from Malaya University, Malaysia in 2010. He was a Head of Water Resources Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, University of Brawijaya from 2010 until 2017. He has actively presented his papers in international seminars in many countries and has published more than 12 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of repute.



Tamblingan Lake is a natural lake has a function as a sources of raw water dan tourism destination. The change in the cultivation of farmers around Tamblingan from hard cropping pattern (coffee) to the annual plantations (flowers and horticulture), if can’t be controlled may cause decreased of water quality. The objective of this study to determine the pollution load from the agricultural element, and the water quality index based on existing condition. This research conducted tree stages; chemical analysis of water quality indicators in laboratory, analysis of water quality status using STORET method and water pollution load analysis using application AVSWAT Program. Based on measurement of water quality parameters obtained Nitrate (NO3-N) amount to 1,002 mg/l, BOD5 amount to 934 mg/l, DO amount to 683 mg/l and phosphorous as P amount to 764 mg/l. Water quality analysis using STORET method, total score from the results of the calculation is -10. These value with range -1 to10 so that status of water quality of Tamblingan Lake is “B Class”. The pollution load of existing land Tamblingan Lake for phosphorous inflow of 14,374 mm/ton/ha, Nitrate inflow of 47,515 mm/ton/ha/month, BOD5 inflow of 469,635 mm/ton/ha/month, DO inflow amounted to 2054,8317 mm/ton/ha/month. The value is between (-1) to (-10), the Water Quality Status of Tamblingan Lake Class B with contaminated lightly lake water condition.



Chioma Nwakanma has completed her PhD from University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. She is a Senior Lecturer in the College of Natural Resources and Environmental Management. She has published more than 55 papers in reputed journals and has Professional affiliations both local and international and has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of reputable journals.


The study on environmental risk assessment of hospital wastewater at Federal Medical Center (FMC), Umuahia, Nigeria was carried. To this end, the microbial load and heavy metal analyses of the hospital wastewater were determined using established procedures. The wastewater samples were collected directly from the outlet of different wards (surgical, children and emergency wards), with pre-cleaned sterile and dried containers. The result show that they were significant varieties in the bacteria and fungi load of the hospital waste water from the different wards. The bacteria load was on the range of 192x107 cfm/ml to 275x107 cfm/ml (1.92x107 cfm/ml to 2.75x107 cfm/ml) while the fungi load ranged from 1.3x103 to 4.0x103 cfm/ml as shown in the result; the total aerobic viable bacteria count (TVC) was highest 275x107 in the wastewater for children ward and lowest, 192x107 in the wastewater from the surgery ward. The concentration of lead was in the range 0.02 mg/l to 0.09 mg/l while cadmium concentrations varies between 0.02 to 0.15 mg/l, chromium and copper were in the range of 0.00 to 0.03 and 0.07 to 0.2 mg/l respectively, while zinc was found to be between 0.07 to 0.09 mg/l and mercury was 0.02 mg/l. The result shows that the concentration of the different wards varied with significant from difference (p<0.05). In general, the physicochemical properties of the hospital wastewater samples show that, their disposal into the environmental will impact significantly on the environment.




Rouzbeh Nazari is an Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Rowan University. His primary research interests are: application of remote sensing in water technologies and environment, resiliency and flood mitigation, impact assessment of climate change and extreme weather events on cities. He has worked with NASA, NOAA, consortium on climate risk in the Urban Northeast, New York and New Jersey resiliency planning issues with the focus of climate issues affecting the urban corridor encompassing the US Northeast. His work has been funded by Federal, state agencies as well as industry partners. He has published several book chapters, journal papers and has presented his work in national and international conferences.



Subsurface fires and smoldering events at landfills can present a serious health hazard and threat to the environment. These fires are much more expensive and difficult to extinguish than open fires at the landfill surface. Initiation of a subsurface fire may go unnoticed for a long time period. Undetected fires may spread over a large area. Unfortunately, not all landfills keep or publish heat elevation data and some do not have a gas extraction system to control subsurface temperatures. The timely and cost effective identification of subsurface fires is an important and pressing issue. In this work, we describe a method for using satellite thermal infrared imagery at moderate spatial resolution to identify the location of subsurface fires and monitor their migration within the landfill. The focus of the study is on the Bridgeton Sanitary Landfill in Bridgeton, MO where a subsurface fire was first identified in 2010 and is still extant. Observations from Landsat satellite for the last seventeen years were examined for surface temperature anomalies (or hot spots) that may be associated with subsurface fires. It is shown that the location of hot spots identified in satellite imagery matches the known location of subsurface fires. Changes in the hot spot location with time correspond to the subsurface fire spreading routes determined from in situ measurements. The results of the study demonstrate that the proposed approach based on satellite observations can be used as a tool for landfill subsurface fire identification and thus may be used by landfill owners/operators to monitor landfills and minimize expenses associated with extinguishing landfill fires.



Manjeet Jassal has completed her MS, MTech and PhD at IIT Delhi. She has an experience of over 13 years in the R&D division of Indian Petrochemical Corporation Limited (IPCL), a leader in petrochemical sector. Since 1999, she is a Faculty in Department of Textile Technology at IIT Delhi. She has authored more than 230 research publications in national and international journals, conference proceedings and books. She has worked in collaboration with several industries and institutions and has many patents and technology transfers to her credit. She has expertise in chemistry and characterization of polymers and textiles, hydrogels, superabsorbent materials, functional polymers and nanomaterials. Much of her work in the last few years is on the development and application of smart and functional polymers/fibers, electrospun nanofibers, nanoparticles and functional nanofinishes/coatings. She is a member of several professional societies and has won several awards.


Nanofibers high surface area to volume ratio can significantly enhance the activities requiring the use of increased surface area such as adsorption of chemical species in filtration or controlled release of loaded drugs or chemical moieties. β-cyclodextrin incorporated polystyrene and cellulose acetate nanofibers are electrospun by vertical solution electro spinning method and the prepared nanofibers are characterized by SEM, FTIR, RAMAN and UV-Visible spectroscopy to understand the changes in the nanofiber morphology and also to evaluate their potential activity for absorption of target molecular species like ortho-chloro phenol from aqueous solution has been studied.


Souad El Hajjaji has completed her PhD from INP of Toulouse, France. She is the Director of Research Centre in Water, Natural Resources, Environment and Sustainable Development at Mohammed V University in Rabat. She has published more than 80 papers in reputed journals and has been responsible for LIA; she is the Coordinator of an international Master’s with the University Paul Sabatier-Toulouse (France) in Analytical Sciences and Environment. She is the General Secretary of the Moroccan Association for the Environment and Sustainable Development; Vice President of Morocco Globe Association for Environment and Member of the Coordinating Committee of the Moroccan Coalition for Water (COALMA).



With regard to Morocco’s national programme for treatment of waters (PNALEEU) and the deal with water shortage and bad quality of drinking and agricultural water, these research aim to look into new technologies to clean wastewater and polluted waters from heavy metals and organic contaminants in order to increase the countries resources of clean water available for human consumption and agricultural usage. Various reports attest to the failure of the different treatment processes used to clean waste waters (WWs); raising concern about the remaining pollutants in WWs released in the rivers or reused in agriculture. Usage of local material could improve the quality of WW. In particular, the efficiency of a water filtering technique is studied using selected natural materials prepared from vegetable waste as well as some hydroxyapatite, apatite and apatite-modified materials. The study focus on adsorption properties to be compared with some commonly used adsorbents. Tests to remove pollutants from raw and treated WWs have been conducted. Adsorbents have been prepared from apatite or some vegetable waste of nuts and/or fruits by pyrolysis (500-700°C) at a reduced level of oxygen or by chemical treatment. In this process, a kind of biochar polymer will form and these materials have been grinded to different diameter of granules, fractions of 0-45 and 45-100 μm and tested. Individual tests of adsorption have been performed with each pollutant and different adsorbents. Isotherms of adsorption have been derived in batch experiments. Different equilibrium concentrations of the pollutants will enable us to draw the isotherm and to compare different common models such as Freundlich or Langmuir. The parameters of adsorption have been deduced from the more fitting model to the data. Effects of different physical-chemical parameters such as pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), conductivity, etc., on the performance of the tested sorbents have been studied using experimental designs.

Mojtaba Taseidifar

The University of New South Wales Canberra, Australia

Title: Removing of strontium ion from water using ion flotation

Mojtaba Taseidifar is an Iranian PhD student attending University of New South Wales, Australia with thesis entitled “Novel Water Technologies” in research group of Professor Richard Mark Pashley. Moji’s research area generally evolve re-using wastewater, cavitation prevention and seawater desalination, which all are of paramount importance to tackle the problems associated with water pollution and shortage. He is very interested to mingle with the experts/researchers to find out about their work in order to build up his future research.


The effect of a new surfactant obtained with reacting cysteine and octanoyl (C8) was investigated in ion flotation removal of low levels of chromium ions from aqueous solution. The synthesised amino acid-based single-chain surfactant shows high water solubility and causes extensive foaming in a typical flotation chamber. In an ion flotation process, this surfactant was able to remove 99.8% of the 5 ppm strontium present in the contaminated water, in a simple, single-stage physiochemical process.



Reza Khoshbouy has completed his BSc and MSc at Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran. He started his PhD course in April 2016 in the Department of Environmental Science and Technology at Tokyo Institute of Technology. His major fields are water purification, adsorption technology, waste management and environmental engineering. Currently he is a second-year Doctoral student (D2) in Prof. K Yoshikawa laboratory. His research focuses on development of cost effective adsorbent for water and wastewater treatment from biomass-based waste and wastewater sludge using hydrothermal carbonization and activation process.


Preparation of sludge-based activated carbon (SBAC) required to the carbonization step followed by the activation process. The conventional carbonization method such as pyrolysis needs to use high energy due to high moisture and poor water dewaterability of wet sludge. Recently, the hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) as a promising wet biomass conversion technology has been introduced to solve simultaneously the proper disposal method of wet sludge and its valorization by conversion into value-added products. In this study, SBAC was prepared from high moisture wastewater sludge by hydrothermal carbonization at several temperatures (170, 200, 230, and 260o followed by the physical activation with CO2 and the chemical activation with KOH. Moreover, the utilization of high surface area SBAC for adsorption of methylene blue (MB) as a basic dye and humic acid (HA) was investigated. The characterization of hydrochars (HCs) and SBACs were undertaken using the FTIR, SEM-EDS, BET, TG-DTA, and Zeta potential. According to the results, the chemical activation (1200-1600 m2/g) of HCs was much more effective than the physical activation (below 300 m/g) for their development of porosity and specific surface area. Furthermore, the results indicated that by increasing the temperature of HTC, at the same operation condition of the chemical activation, the surface area and porosity of SBAC were increased. The high production yield and the best specific surface area (upto 1612.91 m2/g) of SBAC were obtained at the HTC temperature of 260° and sequential KOH activation. The adsorption equilibrium and kinetics of MB and HA onto best SBAC were carried out in batch mode. The Langmuir isotherm and the pseudo- second-order kinetic model give the best fittings with experimental data. The maximum adsorption capacity of MB and HA at 25o was 588.24 mg2/g and 26.32 mg2/g, respectively, which showed better performance compare with two commercial activated carbons. In conclusion, SBAC prepared from hydrochar of wastewater sludge can be used as a low-cost and effective adsorbent for removing basic dyes and humic acid adsorption from aqueous solutions.




Reza Khoshbouy has completed his BSc and MSc at Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran. He started his PhD course in April 2016 in the Department of Environmental Science and Technology at Tokyo Institute of Technology. His major fields are water purification, adsorption technology, waste management and environmental engineering. Currently he is a second-year Doctoral student (D2) in Prof. K Yoshikawa laboratory. His research focuses on development of cost effective adsorbent for water and wastewater treatment from biomass-based waste and wastewater sludge using hydrothermal carbonization and activation process.



Water is a fundamental human right, most valuable asset for human survival, economy and public health. The population of India is at a risk of arsenic (As) exposure associated with long-term exposure to the arsenic in groundwater. Almost 176 million people are at risk due to exposure to contaminated water. This study captures and assessed the knowledge, behaviour, and practices of people exposed to As unknowingly in the selected villages in Bihar which are exposed to arsenic contamination. The technique included information accumulation using a stratified questionnaire, an interaction with local block centers, health facilities and discussion with the school staff. The data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science 20. The study revealed that the level of knowledge about arsenic presence was relatively high (75±.04%), but knowledge on its source and routes was inadequate. The majority of the respondents had no knowledge when it comes severity of the diseases occurring due to arsenic contamination and their prevention (15±.57%). The awareness level about the exposure and duration was found to be low (19±.03%). The attitude and practice on protecting their source of drinking water was also found to be low (25±.45%). Some educated people from the economically higher backgrounds had proper drinking and cleaning facilities, but there was no awareness regarding lowering arsenic exposure. The borehole water quality dug by government for rural schools appeared to be cleaner with respect to arsenic contamination, but the microbial quality is unknown. Moreover, the water supply and community facilities were inadequate in rural areas, with no rainwater harvesting and low sanitation. Some households had toilets whose drainage were going open outside houses, which may contaminate the groundwater source. Moreover, they had broken doors which did not offer privacy. There was no government water supply scheme available in these villages, due to smaller household sizes.



Mohammad B Ahmed is a final year PhD student at University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia. He is also serving as Technical Assistant at Environmental Engineering Research Laboratories. Before that, he has completed his graduation and post-graduation from Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Technology from University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. He has published more than 20 papers (including 12 as first author) in reputed journals. He has received several awards including publication awards and award for finalist in NSW Young Water Profession of the Year 2017 awarded by UTS and Australian Water Association, respectively.



Functionalized biochar (fBC) was prepared through pyrolysis of woody biomass and functionalized using oH3PO4 acid. Characterizations of fBC were carried out using Fourier Transmittance Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), ζ potential measurement, and scanning electron spectroscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis. FTIR result revealed that fBC contained –OH, -CH, C=O, C=C and –COOH functional groups, whereas Raman spectra clearly indicated the development of highly disordered structure (e.g. C-O, D band) along with graphitic structure (C=C i.e. G band) with increased intensity ratio (ID/IG). XPS result also confirmed that the present of C=C (at 284.8 eV), C-O (at 286.3 eV), C=O (at 287.8 eV), and -COOH (at 289.0 eV). ζ potential value was found to be at pH ~2.5. SEM showed development of microspore structure onto fBC surface. EDS data suggested that fBC mostly contained carbon (~75%), oxygen (~10%), nitrogen and phosphorous. The application of fBC at different pH to remove emerging contaminants antibiotics such as sulfathiazole (STZ), sulfamethazine (SMT), sulfamethoxazole (SMX) and chloramphenicol (CP) antibiotics in both single and competitive mode from water was found very effective. Maximum sorption capacity was observed at the pH range of 4.0-5.0 for all antibiotics. Functional groups of fBC played a vital role for removing those antibiotics at different pH. H-bond formation, π-π electron donor acceptor and electrostatic interactions were the main sorption mechanisms at different pH. The application of prepared fBC for treatment of antibiotics from different water and wastewater was successful. Therefore, fBC is a potent sorbent for removing antibiotics