Rino Dubé
Quebec Industrial Research Center, Canada
Rino Dubé has held a position as a Research and Development Officer at the Centre de recherche industrielle du Québec (CRIQ) since 1995. He is a civil engineer by training, specializing in environment and bioprocesses with a Master’s degree from Université Laval. Mr. Dubé carries out laboratory-scale and large-scale technological innovation projects in the agricultural, industrial and municipal wastewater sectors, more recently including treatment of leachates from composting sites and landfills. He has conducted several projects on removal/ transformation of nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus). In particular, he has participated actively in the development of biofiltration on organic media for the simultaneously treatment of highly-charged liquids and gases. This work was concretized in twenty pilot systems installed in the field in an industrial context, and has been the subject of several articles and lectures, as well as four invention patents.