Dr. Riccardo Buccolieri
University of Salento, Italy
Dr.Riccardo was born in Cisternino (Br), Italy, in November 1979. He received the degree in Environmental Science from University of Salento (Lecce) in April 2005, with a thesis on Flow and pollutant dispersion in urban environment with application to Lecce city, and the Ph.D. in Environmental Geophysics from University of Messina, Italy (Consortium of Univerities of Messina, Lecce and Palermo) in March 2009, with a thesis on Computational Fluid Dynamics and integral models applied to pollution dispersion in urban areas.
Research Interest
His research interests include Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics and Turbulence and Pollutant Dispersion. He developed a new methodology for the study of the aerodynamic effects of trees and ventilation (city breathability) through integrated modelling tools including Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and meteorological models.