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Dr.Ali Cheshmehzangi

Dr.Ali Cheshmehzangi

Urban Innovation Lab


Dr Ali Cheshmehzangi is an Assistant Professor in Architecture and is the Careers and Industrial Engagement Tutor at the Department of Architecture and Built Environment at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC). He is also associate research members of the Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies (CSET) at UNNC and University of Nottingham’s Urban Design Research Group (UDRG). He is an architect and urban designer with research interests in the field of urbanism, development and growth. He has major interests in urban systems, urban identity, urban change and regeneration, and application of integrated design in sustainable urbanism.

Research Interest

Broad research interests in the fields of: Urban Growth; Urban Identity and Globalisation; Sustainable Urbanism; Place Making; Vernacular Architecture; Also interested in related studies of: Socio-spatial Cognitive Mapping; Mental Mapping Techniques; Public Realm Design; Temporary Urbanism; Urban Change and Regeneration; Cultural Studies for Architecture And have previously done: His research interests include Environmental impact assessment, urban policy studies, urban renewal studies, low-tech architecture, architectural renovation, and architectural Determinism.