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Ecoreflect ltd


Anne-Marie has over 25 years’ experience in sustainable matters and is Director of ecoreflect ltd. She gave the Royal Academy of Engineering invited lecture on ‘A low carbon world – is it realistic?’ in April 2010. And was awarded BSI International Standards Maker Award in 2015 for her standard work. She is an experienced chair and facilitator with involvement across several types of organisations/groups both at national and international level. Her current activities includes chairing BSI committees related to sustainable development and conformity assessment standards, chairing the project board for a novel approach to harnessing waves in support of coral regrowth, being an active board director of the Verified Carbon Standard including chairing the finance committee and attending IMO Marine Environmental Protection Committee. She is a chartered engineer, chartered environmentalist and a fellow of Royal Society for the encouragement of art, manufacture and commerce, Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology, Energy Institute and Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment.

Research Interest

Environmental Science