Dr. S. Vasudevan
Principal Scientist & Professor (AcSIR)
CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute
Prof. Vasudevan Subramanyan is the Principal Scientist of CSIR-Central Electrochemcial Research Institute, Karaikudi.He is a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, UK (FRSC), Fellow of Australian Institute of High Energetic Materials (FAIHEM), Chartered Chemist (CChem) by Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, Fellow of National Environmental Science Academy (FNESA), Fellow of International Science Congress Association (FISCA), Fellow of International Congress of Chemistry and Environment (FICCE), Fellow of Society for Advancement of Electrochemical Science and Technology (FSAEST) and Fellow of The Academy of Sciences Chennai (FASC).
Research Interest
His research interests include diverse areas of electrochemistry for the past 20 years. My research primarily focussed on the areas of chemical and electrochemical water treatment, electrochemical and photo-electrochemical generation of hydrogen, synthesis of electroinorganic chemicals, electrochemical waste management, electro-catalysis, magnesium batteries.