Biography: Veronica Goncalves
London air pollution corresponds to a serious matter that drives to high levels of pollution and with health consequences for its citizens.Air pollution consist in the release of pollutants into the air. The air pollution has origin in the production and use of energy. The physical evidence of air pollution is determined by the presence of ground level ozone (smog) and particulate matter made of tiny particles of chemicals called soot. The air pollutants have two qualifications, the primary sources and secondary sources. The main primary pollutants is harmful in high concentrations, and are carbon compounds, such as Co, C02, CH4, VOCs, nitrogen compounds etc. The particulate matter are categorized in solid or liquid form and measured buy their diameter. While the secondary sources result from chemical reaction between the primary sources themselves or with in reaction with other componds and are called photochemical oxidants and secondary particulate matter. Air pollution is explained and described with conscious regarding the levels of pollutant gases that are present in the atmosphere. The origin of gases are referred for identification of the pollution sources and understanding the challenges and questions to minimize air pollution.